Dr. Allison Stagg
Research Interests:
Transatlantic art and visual culture of the long nineteenth-century; American and European caricature and visual humor; print history; history of museums, cultural institutions, and collections; circulation and exchange of material culture.
Current research projects:
Paul Weber in Germany and America; female print collectors in the United States and Europe in the nineteenth century; American caricature prints
2021- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Researcher), Architecture and Art History, Department of Architecture, Technische Universität Darmstadt
2019-2020 Maternity leave
2019 Curator, Mark Twain Center for Transatlantic Relations, Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg
2018-2019 Lehrauftrag (Adjunct Lecturer), Obama Institute for Transnational Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
2016-2017 Terra Foundation Visiting Professor in American Art, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2014-2016 Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, History of Art, Technische Universität Berlin
2013-2014 Lehrauftrag (Adjunct Lecturer), Obama Institute for Transnational Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
2011-2012 Jane and Morgan Whitney Senior Fellow, Department of Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
2011 Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
2011 Ph.D., History of Art, University College London, University of London
“Prints of a new kind”: Political Caricature in the United States, 1789-1828 (under contract, Penn State University Press, 2022)
An International Artist: Paul Weber in Germany and America (in progress)
Articles, chapter essays, and reviews:
“The Female Factor: Printmakers and Printsellers in the Early Republic” (chapter accepted for edited volume, The Imprint of Women: The Contributions of Printmakers, Printsellers and Print Publishers in Graphic Media, 1735-1830, Edited by Cynthia Roman and Cristina Martinez, Cambridge University Press. Expected publication 2022)
“Nature”: a nineteenth century engraving linking Charles Willson Peale, James Akin, and Peale’s Mastodon” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art (expected publication Spring 2021)
Exhibition catalogue review of Beyond Midnight: Paul Revere. Edited by Lauren B. Hewes and Nan Wolverton for the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. Imprint, Journal of the American Historical Print Collectors Society, Vol. 45, No. 1, Spring 2020: 21-22.
Exhibition review of Once Upon a Time in America: Three Centuries of American Art (Wallraf- Richartz Museum, Cologne, Germany) in Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 5:2 (Fall 2019): 1-5.
“An American Market for Visual Satire: William Cobbett, James Gillray, and American caricature in 1790s Philadelphia” Print Quarterly, XXXVI, No. 3, September 2019: 263-274.
“A Scottish Caricaturist in Philadelphia: William Charles, the War of 1812, and the market for caricature in America” Visual Culture in Britain, Volume 20, Issue, 1, July 2019: 1-15.
“Caricature Portraits and early American Identity” Beyond the Face: New Perspectives on Portraiture. Edited by Wendy Wick Reaves. London: D. Giles, Ltd., 2018.
“The American "Dressing Academy": Venues for Political Caricature and Prints in the Early Republic” Journal for Art Market Studies, 1 (2018) ISSN: 2511-7602.
“Collecting American Caricatures in the Twentieth Century: Frank Weitenkampf and the New York Public Library” Imprint, Journal of the American Historical Print Collectors Society, Vol. 37, no. 1, Spring 2012: 14-24.
“Family-Ambition”: A Political Caricature of the 1804 New York Gubernatorial Election” Imprint, Journal of the American Historical Print Collectors Society, Vol. 35, no. 1, Spring 2010: 2-9.
“All in my eye!” James Akin and his Newburyport Social Caricatures” Common-Place, Volume 10, January 2010, no. 2.
Exhibition catalogue review of “The Art of Satire: London in Caricature” by Mark Bills, Object, no. 9, 2007.
Exhibition catalogues:
Curious Taste: The Appeal of Transatlantic Satire, co-editor and author with Nancy J. Siegel (in progress)
Establishing the New Nation: New York in the 1790s. The Morris-Jumel Mansion, New York. 2011.
On-line resource:
2009 “Introduction to the Charles Peirce Collection of Social and Political Caricatures and Ballads” American Antiquarian Society. on-line resource, www.Americanantiaquarian.org
Awards and Funding (selected, since 2011)
Awards and Funding (selected, since 2011)
2021 Georgian Papers Programme: Residential Fellowship at Windsor Castle
2020 German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.: Post-Doctoral Research Grant
2019 Smithsonian American Art Archives: Workshop Attendance Grant
2018 Terra Foundation for American Art: Academic Programming Grant
2018 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): Research Grant 2017 Library Company of Philadelphia: American Visual Culture Fellowship
2017 Paul Mellon Centre for British Studies, London: Research Grant
2016 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): Research Grant
2016 Eccles Centre, British Library, London: Visiting European Fellow in North American Studies
2015 Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Germany: Travel and Research Grant
2014 Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Germany: Research Grant
2013 Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, London: Research Grant
2012 The New York Public Library, New York: Archival Fellowship in Rare Books and Manuscripts
2012 American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia: Franklin Research Grant
2012 The Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University, Connecticut: Roger W. Eddy Research Fellowship
2011 The Huntington Library, San Marino, California: Research Fellowship